Hello lovelies, today there is a new delicious recipe for you. With an ingredient that probably everyone has at home: creamy vegan veggie pasta. Everyones cupboard is hopefully filled with noodles at the moment and that's why I have a simple, healthy and delicious pasta dish for you today. The whole family enjoyed this very much. It only needs a few ingredients and if you don't have all of them, you can easily vary.

The soaked cashews make the pasta very creamy and the crunchy green vegetables such as peas, sugar snap peas and fennel don’t only provide extra vitamins, but also a delicious taste. We actually always have peas in the freezer because we like them very much in soups and stews. Fennel is mostly made into juice by me, together with celery and apple (my favorite, you should definitely try it too), but the children also like it very much as a vegetable.

Cremige Gemüse-Pasta

The creamy light sauce consists of cashews, oat milk and vegetable broth and is therefore not that difficult. In addition, it‘s super easy and quick to make, because all the ingredients simply go into the blender.

Cremige Gemüse-Pasta


And now here is the recipe for this creamy vegan veggie pasta:


Cremige Gemüse-Pasta
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Creamy vegan veggie pasta

A delicious vegan pasta with green vegetables and a creamy sauce. 
Course: Hauptgericht, Main Course
Keyword: cremig, einfach, Gemüse, gesund, grün, Pasta, peas, Vegan
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:20 minutes
Servings:4 portions
Author:Verena Frei
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  • 100 gr (3/4 cups) cashews soaked over night
  • 100 ml (1/2 cup) oat milk or any other plant-based milk 
  • 400 ml (1 2/3 cups) water or vegetable broth/stock
  • 4-5 tsp vegetable broth powder omit if you use stock
  • 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast optional
  • 1-2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2-3 stalks spring onions 
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 small fennel 
  • 150 gr (5.3 oz.) frozen peas 
  • 100 gr (3.5 oz.) sugar snap peas
  • 500 gr (18 oz.) pasta of your choice 
  • 1-2 tsp salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice
  • also: vegan parmesan, microgreens & roasted pine nuts


  • Die Cashews über Nacht in kaltem Wasser einweichen - alternativ kann man sie auch ca. 30 Minuten in heissem Wasser einweichen
  • Einweichwasser wegschütten
  • Alle Zutaten für die Sauce in einen Hochleistungsmixer geben und mixen, bis es eine glatte & cremige Sauce entsteht - zur Seite stellen
  • Die Nudeln nach Packungsanleitung in Wasser garen (etwas Pastawasser auffangen)
  • Die Frühlingszwiebeln in feine Ringe schneiden, Knoblauch fein hacken oder pressen
  • Das Olivenöl in einer Pfanne erhitzen, Zwiebel und Knoblauch beigeben und glasig braten
  • Das übrige Gemüse klein schneiden und in die Pfanne geben - ca. 5-8 Minuten unter Rühren anbraten
  • Die Sauce beigeben und kurz aufkochen lassen, mit Salz, Pfeffer, Muskatnuss und Zitronensaft abschmecken
  • Die gegarten Nudeln in die Pfanne geben und untermischen
  • Gegebenfalls etwas Pasta-Kochwasser beigeben, wenn die Sauce zu dick sein sollte
  • Mit Microgreens, gerösteten Pinienkernen und veganem Parmesan servieren

Of course you can use your favorite noodles for the dish, spaghetti, whole grain pasta or protein pasta also fit perfectly. And I think it's great that you can also be very creative with vegetables and take what is available seasonally or your favorites.

Cremige Gemüse-Pasta

With this delicious pasta everyone is happy: the mom, because this way everyone eats a large portion of vegetables and the rest of the family, because they’re always happy with pasta. I also like roasted pine nuts and sprinkle some chili on my portion, because I like it a little hot. Hemp seeds are also very tasty as a topping. And with the microgreens or cress you get an extra portion of nutrients.


Creamy vegan veggie pastaBe sure to try this delicious pasta dish, I'm sure everyone will like it. If you can't get cashews, you can also replace them with vegan cream. Mixing is then omitted and you only have to stir together the ingredients for the sauce. Have you tried my other pasta dishes on the blog - there are already some recipes.

Love, Verena

If you have Pinterest, you can find me here and you can pin this picture if you like:

Creamy vegan veggie pasta

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