Hello Lovelies, do you know this feeling when you discover a new food that you haven't seen or tried before. Thats how I felt, when I found Flower Sprouts for the first time last year. These cute little sprouts are a mix between Brussels Sprouts and Kale and are super easy to prepare and just totally gorgeous. We had to try them of course and the first time I prepared them pan roasted with some olive oil and what can I say, it was "Love at first bite"! I immediately loved the taste and even hubby who isn't fond of Kale like them and the girls as well. I did not need any more reasons to make them a fix stable in our house from that day on. And we already prepared them in many ways since then.
So I was impatiently waiting until they would be in season again and yeah now they are! And I knew that I wanted to come up with a recipe that included these little beauties. And what better way to include my other favorite fall veggie as well: red beets. You already know I love them. For the recipe I prepared them in the oven roasted with orange zest and rosemary, such a good combination. The cubes are also perfect as topping for soups and salads.
So here is the recipe for this delicious pasta:
- 2 fresh beets
- 2 TBSP olive oil
- fresh rosemary
- zest of 1/2 orange
- 1 TBSP orange juice
- salt
- pepper
- 2 hand full flower sprouts
- 2 red onions
- 1 TBSP olive oil
- some red wine
- vegan "goat" cheese
- Pasta any variety you like
- Peel the beets (best with gloves)
- Cut the fresh rosemary (ca. 1 twig)
- Cut the beets into small cubes, mix with the orange zest, juice, olive oil and season with salt and pepper
- Roast in the oven at 200 degree for 25 minutes
- In the meantime wash and prepare the Flower Sprouts blanch in salt water for 4-5 minutes
- Cut the onions in rings and roast in olive oil and deglaze with red wine
- Cook the pasta and add it to the onions
- Add the beets, Flower Sprouts and some of the vegan cheese and mix well.
- Season with salt and pepper and serve with the rest of the cheese.
I don't need any extra sauce to the dish, since it already becomes creamy with the vegan cheese. And I also think that there are certain kind of pasta that dont need much sauce (Orecchiette are like that too). You can order the cheese here, it really is the best, I love it so much!
Have you tried Flower Sprouts before and if yes did you like them? If you can't find them, the pasta also works very well with Kale too!
Love Verena
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