Hello Lovelies, have you ever tried to make your own nut butter? Next to nut milks (you can find my easy recipe for almond milk here) it's one of the things I make on a regular basis and that are so easy to prepare and taste much better than store bought. I used to love the store bought peanut butter (yes the sugary version), but that was before I started making my own and realizing how much more intense the taste is and that an addition of sugar is not necessary at all.
And after trying cashew butter for the first time, I had to tell my beloved peanut butter: sorry, but I have someone new. I might be slightly addicted to cashew butter, I just love that velvety flavor - so divine. And yes also cashew butter is super easy to make. Today I like to share 3 different recipes with you: a peanut-cashew butter (just that no one gets the idea I'm totally neglecting those peanuts), a pure cashew butter and one with cashew and chocolate (a perfect substitution for that nasty store bought Nutella)

- 250 gr peanuts peeled
- 100 gr cashews
- pinch of sea salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 400 gr cashews
- pinch of sea salt
- 1/2 of the cashew butter from above ca. 200 gr. cashews
- 3-4 Tbsp raw cacao
- 4 Tbsp maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil
- Preheat the oven to 180 degree, add the nuts to a baking pan and bake for 10-15 minus (keep an eye on them)
- Add the roasted nuts, salt and vanilla to a food processor or high speed blender and mix for a minimum of 10 minutes
- The mixture will form a lump at first, but just keep on mixing and after scrap the sides with a spatula from time to time and keep mixing
- The mixture will get soft and after 10-15 minutes you have a perfectly smooth nut butter
- Add Cashew and salt to the mixer and process as described above
- Keep half of the cashew butter in the mixer, add the remaining ingredients and mix again until well combined
I used fresh peanuts, it might be a bit more work to peel them, but it's also a good opportunity if you have some at home that need to be used up (we had some left from xmas). The most important thing while making your nut butter is a bit of patience. At first you have the feeling it will never get creamy, but than the magic happens and the oils of the nuts will help to get that perfect consistency. You can keep it in the fridge a long time, if you make sure there a no crumbs or other dirt in it.
We love the nut butter as topping for our breakfast bowls, on bread, but you can also use it for soups or salad dressings (please don't use the chocolate one for that:-)).
And here are some easy snack ideas with the as well: dip your fruits in them, like apples, as spread on corn waffles with different toppings, or my favorite: as filling for dates topped with pomegranate seeds.
Have you ever tried to make your own nut butter? Or nut milk? I would love to hear your experience and your favorites. And if you haven't tried, you will for sure not regret it, it's so easy and you will be surprised by the result.
Love Verena
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